The library is annexed to the Church of Sant’ Emidio. There are almost 10,000 volumes, some preceding 1501, others from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Most are of a religious nature, pamphlets and also valuable works that have been published recently. It was inaugurated at the end of the 1800s, thanks mainly to a substantial book fund donated by Don Angelo De Horatiis, who, somewhat ironically, was not invited to the inauguration! Among the many curiosities are the parchment Codex, dating back to 1400, called : the Lent of San Bernardino da Siena. We would like to draw your attention to the paper originals of the Statues and Capitals of the Land of Agnone from 1440 to 1499, and a manuscript decorated by illustrations by the major artists of the town: Luigi Paolantonio, Luigi De Sire and Domenico Maria Ionata, depicting family crests and the activities undertaken by the nuns from 1665 to 1857.
Currently this library cannot be visited.
The library is annexed to the Church of Sant'Emidio