Religiosity in Agnone

A path between art and religion

3 hr
3 km

Church and Convent of San Francesco
It has been a National Monument since 1926. Inside there is an altarpiece of the school of Beato Angelico, sometimes frescoed by Paolo Gamba … and a little curiosity: here the Angels play the bagpipe!

Church of St. Peter the Apostle
The longest Christmas in Italy has begun from this small, simple church. The Agnonese Christmas is the most beautiful and heartfelt period … two appointments characterize it: the “Ndocciata” of the Immaculate Conception and the very old one of the Christmas Eve.

Church of San Marco Evangelista
The Mother Church of San Marco Evangelista holds the valuable statue of the Patron of Agnone: San Cristanziano. His cult was brought to our town by Ascoli merchants. however, the church has a history linked to Venice … and to earthquakes!

Church of Sant’Emidio
Particular cult building with two naves. The first post at the entrance is from 1300, when the foundation of the same church dates back. The second nave was added around 1400 using part of the medieval perimeter walls, placed in defense of the city … and the city has always been defended by earthquakes …

Church of Sant’Antonio Abate
At the triumph of the Baroque altars, paintings dating back to the eighteenth century, is accessed through a portal in Gothic style that bears the date of construction of the temple: 1118. Its bell tower, with references vanvitelliani, is the most beautiful of the many towers that stand in the sky of the city.

Additional information

Church and Convent of San Francesco
It has been a National Monument since 1926. Inside there is an altarpiece of the school of Beato Angelico, vault frescoed by Paolo Gamba … and a little curiosity: here the Angels play the bagpipe!

Church of St. Peter the Apostle
The longest Christmas in Italy has begun from this small, simple church. The Agnonese Christmas is the most beautiful and heartfelt period … two appointments characterize it: the “Ndocciata” of the Immaculate Conception and the very old one of the Christmas Eve.

Church of San Marco Evangelista
The Mother Church of San Marco Evangelista holds the valuable statue of the Patron of Agnone: San Cristanziano. His cult was brought to our town by Ascoli merchants. however, the church has a history linked to Venice … and to earthquakes!

Church of Sant’Emidio
Particular cult building with two naves. The first post at the entrance is from 1300, when the foundation of the same church dates back. The second nave was added around 1400 using part of the medieval perimeter walls, placed in defense of the city … and the city has always been defended by earthquakes …

Church of Sant’Antonio Abate
At the triumph of the Baroque altars, paintings dating back to the eighteenth century, is accessed through a portal in Gothic style that bears the date of construction of the temple: 1118. Its bell tower, with references vanvitelliani, is the most beautiful of the many towers that stand in the sky of the city.