The parade of the ‘Ndocce is the event that certainly characterizes our town, more than any other. the “Ndocciata” could also be described, but to live it up close is another thing. There are two scheduled appointments and both fall in the month of December: that of the immaculate conception (8 December) and that of Christmas Eve. A huge river of fire provoked by a thousand fir wood torches, about four meters high each, carried on the shoulders of men from the various districts of the countryside; all the participants are strictly dressed in local costume and also give life to small scenes of rural life. With these torches are made compositions ranging from two to eighteen … twenty torches! Even here, a particular gastronomy linked to the Christmas event and tradition, characterizes a story of simplicity that has its roots in an ancient history and in faith!
It is the biggest event related to fire that is known in the world and was awarded, in 2011, the ministerial recognition of “heritage of Italy for tradition”. Women and men in local costume, scenes of rural life. Here too a particular gastronomy linked to the Christmas event and tradition.
A visit to the small “Ndoccia” museum, located in Corso Garibaldi, will give you further information and news.