City of


Discovering the city

City of


City of


The history of Vastogirardi could be said to circle almost all the borgo fortificato (fortified village) dating back to the 18th – 19th centuries. Castle and walls form a unique architectural reality that still leaves visible the towers that have become dwellings.The Church of San Nicola is contained within this village. The name of the village has changed over the course of the centuries from Castrum Giradi to Rocca Girado, from Guasti Balardi to Guardia Gilardo… but always with a clear reference to the place defended by walls with the addition of the name Girardo, perhaps from the earliest owner of the location. History and nature combine in one of the most special and beautiful places in the Alto Molise. Among the buildings the home of the Selvaggi family should be singled out – this was an 18th century work by Fernando Fuga, pupil of Vanvitelli.

Summer health resort. Nature is the real protagonist of this magical spot. It is here that “Re Fajone, a beech tree of remarkable proportions (25 meters in height) has lived for over 300 years, and it is still strong and thriving, as are the natural surroundings of “Riserva di Montedimezzo”(“ Montedimezzo Reserve”), protected by UNESCO. It is in this territory, rich in precious springs, that the Trigno River begins. Vastogirardi is next to the ancient route of the Tratturo Celano-Foggia.

Useful information
Municipality: Via Trigno, 1, 86089
Altitude: 1200 m.s.l.m.
Population: 800